mentoring for yoga teachers
Are you a yoga teacher in training, or a newly qualified yoga teacher who wants to hone your skills? Have you completed a standard 200 Hour yoga teacher training and realised its not actually enough training to prepare you to stand up and teach? Have you been teaching for some time but want to up your game?
Experienced yoga teachers make teaching look easy, but there is much more than meets the eye to creating and delivering a great yoga class. Yoga teaching requires an extensive skillset and in todays over saturated yoga marketplace you need to stand out from the crowd. Victoria has been teaching yoga professionally and successfully for over 20 years and knows how to structure, theme, sequence and deliver a safe, enjoyable and effective class.
Example areas I cover:
Lesson Planning - how to structure a safe and effective class; posture profiles; vulnerable areas; options & variations; working towards a peak pose or sequencing on a more subtle level
Intelligent Sequencing - warming up, building intensity, how, why and where to place poses in a sequence, cooling down; ladders; motifs; mandalas; safe transitions; controversial transitions; how to counterpose economically and skillfully
Class Management & Mirroring - managing the room and the group; mastering right and left; the art of successful mirroring
Theming & Inspiration - how to come up with a theme; choosing a theme that means something to you; how to articulate it; how to successfully weave it through a class
Cueing - why, when and how to cue; the vocabulary of cueing; avoiding unnecessary cueing; critical thinking around historical, standard and stock cueing
Use of language - positive, direct, encouraging language and skilful, economic use of words; NLP
Use of Voice - tone, appropriateness, modulation, expression, pace, variation and volume; how to avoid using the monotone homogenous ‘‘yoga teachers voice’’
Use of Silence - when to give students space and quiet
Use of music - how to put a great yoga playlist together; how to use music to help students go deeper rather than distract them
Authenticity - honesty; not copying other teachers sequences and lesson plans; teaching from where you are at/your own level; teaching only what you have direct experience of/understand yourself; being yourself (instead of trying to appear like or imitate a yoga teacher); teaching as an expression of your own experience; admitting you don’t know all the answers; staying within your remit; imposter syndrome; avoiding using meaningless ‘yoga speak’
Balancing Power - encouraging choice, agency and autonomy
The Ethics of Teaching Yoga & Difficult Students
How to teach Private Clients - how to teach one to one sessions
How to Run Retreats - how to create, host and teach successful yoga retreats
These are just a few ideas. There maybe something else you wish to explore - get in touch!
mentoring pricing
Price £295 for a 3 hour session
To discuss mentoring please contact Victoria